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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Follow up pics

Here are some follow up pics from the basement trim out in Sylvania, OH.  This is after nail holes are filled, poly has been applied and sanded, and touch ups are done.


Unknown said...

Are you using wood baseboard in the basement? Do you not have any concerns about mold/moisture? I am facing this decision on my own project now.

Rob Eisenmann said...

Hi Dave. Thanks for the question!
All of this trim is wood, including the base. This particular basement is relatively dry, so moisture wasn't a concern. I would be more concerned if we used MDF as a material for the trim (which is becoming more and more frequent in this area). But, MDF is not stainable, so a wood product was needed. I have a background in water damage restoration, so knowing what to look for helps. An option for you might be: some of the big box stores are now carrying a 1x in pvc! However, this is about triple the cost of wood.
If you have a moisture problem, is there any way you can solve the issue before you finish the basement? If not, wood may still be your best choice. Remember this: mold needs 4 things to grow: 1) no air flow, 2) no light, 3) temperature between 55-65 degrees, and 4) something to feed off of (like building materials). If any 2 of those are present, start looking for mold and change the conditions! Hope this helps! Rob