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Friday, August 06, 2010

The basics of cabinet making - Part 2

The 4 taller cabinets are to have 3 adjustable shelves each. I want to make the holes for the pegs now, before the cabinets get assembled. I'm using my simple pegboard jig to guide for the holes, and am using 1/4" drill bit to make them. Note: there are two different sizes of shelf pins - I like the bigger ones for more stability.

I also will do all the sanding at this point. These things are much easier to do before everything is put together.

I've now started assembly. With all the pieces cut, it's just a matter of putting it all together. I install the supports (1x3 plywood slats), and the sub-toe kick (also plywood) as shown in this picture. The front toe kick will be 1/4" oak, stained to match the cabinets, and will be applied over top of the sub-toe kick.

Next, I install the back panel. This is just 1/4" luan material, since it will be pretty much unseen. This panel will help keep the unit square, until it is installed. Note: Square up your cabinet as soon as you can, before this panel goes on!

I've gotten two of the taller cabinets assembled. Two more to go, and then I will make two smaller cabinets to go with this set. Once this casework is done, I will move on to face frames and doors.

Bear approves of the new cabinets...

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